Adventure-Ship is a small organization; in order to complete its many projects, limited manpower has always been a problem. In 1999, a partnership with the Yale-China Association of Yale University resulted in the first summer internship program. The experience has been so positive for both Adventure-Ship and the interns that the program has been continued every year.
Interns’ projects cover many areas, including web design, evaluation of training programs and designing activities. All of these are challenging jobs, assigned to be completed within the ten week program. One special feature of the program is that the interns will be assigned to an orientation training onboard the Huan. After the training on board, we hope they will understand more about our mission and will reflect that in their work.
Criteria for summer interns are responsibility and commitment. Relevant experience is not our major concern; very often, the interns do not necessarily study in the field of their particular projects. We anticipate the students will acquire new knowledge during the internship process.
The interns are entrusted with a high degree of autonomy in their projects. They are expected to develop self-reliance and to complete the job creatively and at their own pace.
Overseas interns face unique challenges and opportunities. Apart from the intense workload, they have to adjust to Hong Kong’s lifestyle and face language barriers. However, they also bring home a better understanding of Hong Kong and its people.
Interns Student over the years
Interns 2006
Adventure-Ship had 4 interns during the summer of 2006: Steven Syverud and Nicholas Spitzman, from Yale University; Gordon Tang, from the Chinese University of Hong Kong; and Edlyn Yuen, from Wellesley College. The interns ventured aboard the Jockey Club Huan, interviewed dozens of people about Adventure-Ship, and worked together to update Adventure-Ship’s promotional materials.
Steve and Nick
Steven graduated Yale University in 2006, earning a BA in History. In the fall he will be working for Quest Scholars, a non-profit think tank at Stanford University working to improve equality in access to higher education. Nicholas is also a 2006 graduate of Yale, receiving his BA in Literature. In the fall he will be working for the Boston Consulting Group in Miami, Florida. Together, Steven and Nicholas created new Adventure-Ship brochures, compiled the yearly online newsletter, and updated the English-language content of the web site.
Read reflections by Steve and Nick.
Edlyn and Gordon
Gordon is a native of Hong Kong, and is a second-year computer science student at Chinese University of Hong Kong. After finishing his studies he plans on working in graphic design and game programming. Edlyn is a sophomore at Wellesley College, studying political science. She speaks fluent Cantonese and visits her family in Hong Kong often. Gordon and Edlyn restructured the web site and redesigned most of its graphics, and edited the Chinese content of the site as well.
Read reflections by Edlyn and Gordon.
Interns 2005
In 2005, Adventure-Ship brought in three summer interns, two from Yale and one from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, New Asia College.
Karen and Elliot
Karen Liu (Chinese University) and Elliott Mogul (Yale University) completed a project to overhaul and upgrade the website. Their project included adding more information about Adventure-Ship’s special programs, increasing site interactivity, improving graphical design and adding updated information. They also worked to make future website updates easier for Adventure-Ship staff. Read reflections by Karen Liu and Elliott Mogul.
Selena Liao (Yale University) designed a debriefing kit for activities for mentally handicapped students. The kit recognizes the crucial role that debriefing activities have in Adventure-Ship training and provides trainees with an opportunity to reflect upon and better comprehend lessons learned onboard. The kit also recommends and assists in the creation of specialized debriefing activities for participants with varying abilities. Read reflections by Selena Liao
Interns 2004
The year 2004 saw the expansion of the summer internship program, including both Yale and local university students. This year Adventure-Ship augmented the traditional program by pairing two interns from Chinese University of Hong Kong with two Yale-China interns from Yale University. These pairs of interns worked closely with one another, thus allowing for the successful completion of their individual projects, as well as a rewarding and meaningful cultural exchange. In addition, two interns from the City University of Hong Kong joined the crew of the Huan for the summer.
David and Rita
Rita Wong (Chinese University) and David Zax (Yale University) created an Operations Manual for the current Huan. This manual details all operations on the ship, giving special focus to safety and emergency procedures. Read reflections by Rita Wong and David Zax.
Yuki and Jana
Yuki Tsui (Chinese University) and Jana Sikdar (Yale University) researched the progress of the Jockey Club Huan project and created a publicity kit, consisting of a brochure, leaflet and website update, for the launch of our new ship in the spring of 2005. Read reflections by Yuki Tsui and Jana Sikdar.
Rita, Anna, Kay and Yuki
Anna Lee and Kay Chong from City University of Hong Kong joined the crew each day. By the end of the month they were able to assist and lead various sections of the training programs.
Interns 2003
In 2003, Yale students were unable to join Adventure-Ship for the summer because of the SARS outbreak. Instead, the organization recruited local college students. Following are the descriptions of their projects.
Interns 2003 with Mimi Yeung, Teresa, Ka Lok, Chim, Anita
Anita Lai, a Chinese University student, worked on web page enhancement and drafted an operations manual for website maintenance.
Chim Sau Wai, Teresa Wong and Chow Ka Lok worked as a team on the video project on the legendary history of Huan.
Read the Reflections of the 2003 Summer Interns
– Chim Sau Wai
– Chow Ka Lok
– Teresa Wong
– Anita Lai
Interns 1999-2002
In 1999, Adventure-Ship began its yearly summer internship program through a partnership with the Yale-China Association. Before 2003, only Yale students were recruited to work on projects for the benefit of the organization.
Julie Wilensky designed the promotional brochure
Michelle Wu prepared research on the new ship
Eliza Kennedy created our first website
Read Everyday Magic by Eliza Kennedy
Beth Rubenstein designed the debriefing kit
Read Ship of Dreams by Beth Rubenstein
Dan Peterson revised the present training curriculum and designed a new curriculum
Read Revisited by Dan Peterson
Dawn Chan designed a new bilingual website
Read Great Un-Expectations by Dawn Chan
Christopher Yee rewrote the newsletter and enhanced the website
Read Adventure Trip by Christopher Yee
Laura Oh researched and designed the Buddies Program pamphlet and presentation
Read Wah! by Laura Oh